Tuesday, May 22, 2007

The Wife Is Gone Lets Get This Challenge Started

I will be the first one to say that I am pumped about this event. No more Estrogen in the house fella's. It's game time. I can't wait to see who is man enough to step up to the plate. We should have something for the man who finishes last place. They should have to wear a skirt at the Tavern.


Nick Raynor said...

Yes, It's on fellas!

But I just don't understand T-roy's logic here.. Missing the first event, which happens to be one of the only challenges you have a shot at? thats gonna hurt.

Unknown said...

This should be the easiest event of the bunch and I will be there to take down all the dead money in the room. Just a clue for everyone else....don't play a hand when Andy deals. He likes to play Criss Angel and look ahead at what is coming before he deals..hahahaha. Let's do the damn thing!