Friday, June 1, 2007

Round 1 Event

Texas Hold Em

To All The Men,

Tonight we will have two tables set up for a projected group of 12 players. Each player will receive the same amount of chips and seat location will be randomly selected. We have an official timer and blinds will increase every 15 minutes exactly. A player will receive 20 white, red, green, blue, and black chips along with 1 platinum chip.
White = 5
Red = 10
Green = 25
Blue = 50
Black = 100
Platinum = 500

Play will start at 7:30 but for those of you who run late, as long as I know you are coming, we will put in your blinds for you until 8:00. So at 8:00 if you are not there then you will receive a D.N.S (Did Not Show) on the scoring. Scoring tonight will be

1st Place = 10 points
2nd Place =9 points
3rd Place =8 points

And this will go all the way until zero points. Anybody finishing lower then 9th will receive zero points and no shows will get D.N.S’s for the night.

Please bring your own booze and we are only getting food if we decide to order it then and there. Thank you and may the best MAN win.


Nick Raynor said...

I plan on placing 3rd or better tonight!

Nick Raynor said...

Well, I'm not seeing many contenders on the blog here...must be a lack of confidence. If I could take a moment to reference my previous post... "I plan on placing 3rd of better tonight." I only speak the truth folks. I did in fact place 3rd = 8 points... A dissapointing night to many and great start for others. until next event....

Todd said...

Well that was a great way to kick-off the UMC!! Can't wait for the next event.