Friday, July 13, 2007

Round 2 Results

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Thank you all for making it out to Round 2 of the 2007 UMC event. There was a lot of compitition by many and no compitition for others. The People's Champ T-Roy had an impressive night and scored 10 points with his first place victory. Bad Ass Bill was a new comer to the event and scored an impressive 9 points. Suki, I bring my own ball, Atwal scored 8 points. Nick G and Nick R, apparently are familiar with balls as they were able to score a 7 and a 6. The Almighty Kickstand, had a tired 12" bicep after one game and had a dissapointing 5 points. Ethan, with the support of his wife and my kid, scored 4 points. Gary, Mikey, and Rigo brought up the rear in points with 3,2, and 1. Andy, I don't stick my fingers in the holes, Nelson had a solid zero points. And going from first to worst is the choke artist himeself, Lavo. Below are some pics of the event.

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Monday, June 25, 2007

UMC Round 2

The Date: Friday June29th
The Time: 7:30 PM
Event: Bowling
Location: 300 (Oakridge Lanes) at 5420 Thornwood Drive
Who: All the True Men Who Want To Show Up

This Friday night we have the second round of the 2007 Ultimate Man Challenge. I need to know who will make it and who can't make it.

Troy, Andy, Suki, Nick, Gary, myself, Todd, have all confirmed they will be ready for the challenge. So please let me know if you are man enough to bowl.

The rules for this event will be as follows; Every bowler is responsible for paying for their own shoes and 2 games. We will most likely be in the private bowling area but they cannot guarantee that right now. We are going to play two games and take your highest score between the two games. The lowest score can be thrown out. After everybody bowls we will put scores in order from highest to lowest and base our UMC points off of that. Highest score gets 10 points and so on.

If any more details come up I will let you know. Email me or call me to confirm.

2007 Future Ultimate Man

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

2007 UMC Calendar Of Events

Round 1 of the 2007 UMC has passed us and I am ready to release the calendar for the remaining events. These dates are tentative and can be rescheduled if necessary. Please let me know ASAP the dates that you know you cannot make at this time. I know a lot of the events are a ways away and things come up but let me know any time you can't make please. Some events will have make up dates but others we will not be able to make up. Again, if you are on this email you have expressed you want to be apart of the UMC so I need to hear back from you.

Round 2 & 3
Date: This Saturday June 16th at 7:30 PM (My House)
Eating Challenge (Bagel Bites) & Ultimate Black Jack (Rules To Be Released Shorlty)

Round 4
Date: Friday Night, June 29th at 7:30 PM (Oakridge Lanes Back 9)

Round 5
Date: Sunday July 15th, Time and Course TBD
Stoke Play Golf

Round 6
Date: Saturday July 21st, 2:00 at Crestside Condo's (Nick and Andy's Complex)
BBQ And Century Club

Round 7 & Round 8
Date: Sunday July 29th 12 PM at Blvd Tavern
301 Darts and Golden Tee Arcade and make up events

Round 9
Date: Thursday Night August 9th, 7 PM at TBD
Go Cart Race

Round 10
Date: TBD (probably around August 18th or 26th
Beer Pong Tournament and Awards BBQ

Sunday, June 3, 2007

Erick Lavorico Wins Round 1

Here are the results of Round 1 Texas Hold Em Poker

Erick Lavorico 10 Points
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Nick Gudgeon 9 Points
Nick Raynor 8 Points
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Kevin Raynor 7 Points
Andy Nelson 6 Points
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Todd Dolci 5 Points
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Mike Ellenburg 4 points
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Troy Marcyes 3 Points
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Suki Atwal 2 Points
Randy Musterer 1 Point
Justin Kerley 0 Points
Gary Valencia 0 Points
Brian Cano DNS
Ethan Pepper DNS
Jared Elia DNS
Tony Cerrito DNS
Mike Sparrer DNS
Rigo Headley DNS

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Friday, June 1, 2007

Round 1 Event

Texas Hold Em

To All The Men,

Tonight we will have two tables set up for a projected group of 12 players. Each player will receive the same amount of chips and seat location will be randomly selected. We have an official timer and blinds will increase every 15 minutes exactly. A player will receive 20 white, red, green, blue, and black chips along with 1 platinum chip.
White = 5
Red = 10
Green = 25
Blue = 50
Black = 100
Platinum = 500

Play will start at 7:30 but for those of you who run late, as long as I know you are coming, we will put in your blinds for you until 8:00. So at 8:00 if you are not there then you will receive a D.N.S (Did Not Show) on the scoring. Scoring tonight will be

1st Place = 10 points
2nd Place =9 points
3rd Place =8 points

And this will go all the way until zero points. Anybody finishing lower then 9th will receive zero points and no shows will get D.N.S’s for the night.

Please bring your own booze and we are only getting food if we decide to order it then and there. Thank you and may the best MAN win.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

The Wife Is Gone Lets Get This Challenge Started

I will be the first one to say that I am pumped about this event. No more Estrogen in the house fella's. It's game time. I can't wait to see who is man enough to step up to the plate. We should have something for the man who finishes last place. They should have to wear a skirt at the Tavern.