Friday, July 13, 2007

Round 2 Results

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Thank you all for making it out to Round 2 of the 2007 UMC event. There was a lot of compitition by many and no compitition for others. The People's Champ T-Roy had an impressive night and scored 10 points with his first place victory. Bad Ass Bill was a new comer to the event and scored an impressive 9 points. Suki, I bring my own ball, Atwal scored 8 points. Nick G and Nick R, apparently are familiar with balls as they were able to score a 7 and a 6. The Almighty Kickstand, had a tired 12" bicep after one game and had a dissapointing 5 points. Ethan, with the support of his wife and my kid, scored 4 points. Gary, Mikey, and Rigo brought up the rear in points with 3,2, and 1. Andy, I don't stick my fingers in the holes, Nelson had a solid zero points. And going from first to worst is the choke artist himeself, Lavo. Below are some pics of the event.

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